3Everrett M.Rogers. (2003)Empowerment and Communication: Lessons Leaarned From Organizing for Social Change. in Communication Yearbook, volvme 27,pp69.70-82LEA,inc.
4Stephanie. J. Coopman.(2003). Communicating Disability: Metaphor of Oppression, Metaphors of Empowerrnent. in Communication Yearbook, volvrne 27,pp344.341-343LEA,inc.
5PamelaJ. Kalbfleisch et(2003) Communication Yearbook,volvme 27,Editor's Introduction.LEA, inc
6Robert Huesa. in Angeharad N.Valdivia(2003). A Companion Media Study.Blackwell Publishhag Ltd
7Scott C. Hammond.(2003) The Problematics of Dialogue and Power.
8Particia S.Parker (2003). Control, Resistance, and Empowerment in Raced, Gendered, and Classed Work Contexts: The Case of African American Women . in Communication Yearbook, volvme 27, Pp265,268,269.LEA,inc.
9Jessica R. Abrams.(2003). The Effects of Television on Group Vitality: Can Television Empower Nodominant Groups. in Communication Yearbook,volvme 27,pp204pp208.LEA,inc.
10MiriamJ. Metzger .(2003).Credibility for the 21st Century: Integrating Perspectives on source, Message, and Media Credibility in the Contemporary Media Environment.in Communication Yearbook,volvme27,pp296. LEA, inc.