双叉臂悬架最早出现于20世纪30年代,当时的方程式赛车已经开始使用类似双叉臂的悬挂结构,而1935年,来自美国底特律的汽车制造商packard在旗下车型packard 120上首次使用了双叉臂悬挂,作为当时豪华汽车的代表,pachard创造性地在量产车上首次使用了这种结构复杂的悬架,从而提升车辆的操控性能。时至今日,双叉臂悬挂仍旧在各种性能跑车、豪华轿车和大型SUV上广泛使用。
Among common seen centralized structure of independent suspension,suspension frame of double-fork arm is recognized publicly with its outstanding control ability.In the year of 1935,Pachard,an automobile manufacture from Detroit,USA,for the first time,had creatively used the structure of suspension of double-fork arm,thereby performance of operation & control of vehicle had been raised.From then up to present days,suspension of double-fork arm is still been widely used besides in sports cars with all kinds of performance,limousine,and large model of SUVs.Then in the following,let's together make understanding of the suspension format owned mostly with sports genes.
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