
促进组织变革的人力资源管理策略研究 被引量:9

Strategies of Human Resource Management to Promote Organizational Changes
摘要 为了适应复杂多变的经济环境,企业通常要进行一系列的组织变革,这就需要具备相应的人力资源管理策略。针对不同的变革类型,本文提出了不同的人力资源管理策略。战略变革应该采取均衡人力资源的评估和创建与战略目标一致的企业文化的两种策略;在结构变革中应该注重整合组织机构和指引变革方向;在人员变革中应该采取选聘优秀人才、合理配置人才以及设计、干预并整合裁员过程等策略;在文化变革中应该注重培育适合变革的氛围、利用激励、晋升等方式传播新文化以及塑造共同的变革愿景等。本文强调了在组织变革中直线部门的重要作用,指出了企业的组织变革不仅仅是人力资源管理部门的职能,相关直线部门也有着不可推卸的责任,它们应该积极配合人力资源部门,最大限度地鼓励引导本部门员工参与组织变革,促进企业良性发展的管理建议。 In order to adapt complicated economical environments, some changes are needed in an enterprise, the most important of which is to develop some human resources management strategies to promote organizational change. According to different types of changes, the paper proposes different strategies. In the process of strategic change, balancing assessment of human resources and creating culture consistent with strategic objectives are needed. In the process of structural change, integrating organizational structure and guiding the direction of changes should be paid more attention. In the process of personnel change, some measures should be taken, such as selecting talents, allocating them rationally, designing, intervening and integrating the layoff process and so on. In the process of cultural change, different ways could be used, for instance, nurturing atmosphere which is appropriate for change, spreading new culture in the way of excitation and promotion and shaping a common vision of change. The paper emphasized the important role of line departments in organizational changes, and it agreed with that organizational change is not only the function of human resources management departments, but also the function of line departments. Line departments should cooperate with other departments to encourage the staff to participate in the change and to give more advices to promote healthy development of enterprises.
作者 蔡翔 冯美珊
出处 《技术经济与管理研究》 北大核心 2010年第6期58-60,共3页 Journal of Technical Economics & Management
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(70802028) 国家教育部重点规划课题(DIA090206)
关键词 人力资源 组织变革 直线部门 管理策略 Human resource Organizational change Line departments Management strategy
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