

Study on Path Planning of the Lunar Rover with Manipulator
摘要 针对巡视探测器路径规划和机械臂路径规划的不同和两者需要依次执行的连接需求,文章将月面巡视探测器的路径规划过程分为三个阶段:巡视探测器的路径规划、机械臂的路径规划、器臂动态联合的路径规划,针对不同的规划分别提出了不同的规划方法,并进行了仿真验证。研究结果表明,巡视探测器的整个路径规划是一个复杂的运算规划过程,在非结构化月面环境下,基于月面三维数字高程图采用改进的启发式搜索(A*)算法,可以比较高效地完成巡视探测器的路径规划;在采用蒙特卡罗法建立机械臂可达工作空间的基础上,可以比较简单、准确地获取机械臂的规划路径;巡视探测器整个就位探测过程的实现需要两种规划的动态联合。 The path planning of the lunar rover is different from that of the manipulator. Their execution needs planning in turn. According to this character mentioned above,the process of path planning of the lunar rover is divided into three phases: the path planning of the lunar rover,the path planning of the manipulator,the path planning of the rover with manipulator. This paper gives different planning methods fitting into different phases,which are validated by simulation. And the simulation result shows that the whole process of the path planning of the lunar rover with manipulator is a complicated one. The path planning of the rover on the unstructured lunar rover environment can be completed by using improved A* arithmetic. And on the basis of acquiring the reachable workspace of the manipulator and using Monte Carlo method,the path planning of the manipulator can be taken quickly. In a word,the whole process of the rover detecting on one target needs combination of the two planning methods mentioned above.
出处 《航天器工程》 2010年第5期29-34,共6页 Spacecraft Engineering
基金 国家重大科技专项工程
关键词 月面巡视探测器 机械臂 路径规划 启发式搜索(A*)算法 蒙特卡罗法 lunar rover manipulator path planning improved A* arithmetic Monte Carlo method
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