
公司治理、激励机制与国企高管薪酬制度重构 被引量:6

Corporate Governance,Incentive Mechanism and Restructuring Executive Compensation Systems in State-owned Enterprises
摘要 1990年代以来,公司高管薪酬持续飞涨,即使在全球危机背景下,一些接受政府注资的公司高管仍然领取天价高薪,因此,改革高管薪酬制度的呼声越来越高。本文认为,企业高管薪酬的失衡从根本上源于传统薪酬制度假设的不合理,而这些理论假定的不合理则导引于公司治理的内在缺陷,因此,重构薪酬制度,完善激励机制,必须以改革公司治理为逻辑起点。本文在分析公司治理与激励机制关系基础上,对高管薪酬制度的理论假定与现实困境进行了全面深入地剖析,对高管薪酬制度框架的设计与重构提出了具体设想。最后,针对我国国有企业高管薪酬制度的特殊性,提出了若干制度改革的政策建议。 Since the 1990' s, the executive compensation have soared continuously, even in the global crisis, some executives in the companies receiving government bail - out funds continued to receive aston- ishing compensation, therefore more and more people appeal for the reform of executive compensation sys- tems. This paper argues that the imbalance of executive compensation springs from the unreasonable as- sumption of the traditional executive compensation systems which rest on the defective corporate govern- ance, hence reconstructing of executive compensation systems and improving the incentive mechanism should be based on corporate governance reform. Based on the analysis of the relationship between corpo- rate governance and incentive mechanism, this paper analyzes the assumption of the traditional executive compensation systems and its dilemma in depth, then puts forward concrete suggestion for the restructu- ring of executive compensation systems. Finally taking into account the peculiarity of china state - owned enterprises, this paper proposes pertinent recommendations for their executive compensation systems reform.
作者 葛兆强
出处 《兰州商学院学报》 CSSCI 2010年第5期96-107,共12页 Journal of Lanzhou Commercial College
关键词 公司治理 激励机制 高管薪酬 制度重构 corporate governance incentive mechanism executive compensation restructuring
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