
湖南南部石灰岩山地藤本植物研究 被引量:4

Study on the Vine of Calcific Mountainous Region in the South of Hunan Province
摘要 采用样地调查的研究方法,对湖南南部道县和嘉禾县的石灰岩山地的藤本植物多样性进行了初步研究.其结果是:1)石灰岩山地藤本植物的株数以卷曲类和具刺的搭靠类为主,具刺搭靠类的种类仅次于缠绕类而明显多于卷曲类,这与非石灰岩山地明显不同;2)群落从灌丛、落叶阔叶林、常绿与落叶阔叶林至常绿阔叶林的从低到高的演替系列中,藤本植物物种的丰富度、多度、S impson指数和Shannon-W iener指数都由大变少,只有P ielou均匀度指数是落叶阔叶林最高;3)乔木被藤本植物感染的种数和株数,以落叶阔叶林最高,其次是常绿阔叶林,再次是常绿与落叶阔叶混交林. A study on vine in the calcific mountainous region of south of Hunan Province using selected sample plots demonstrated that: 1) In the calcific mountains,the vines are dominated by curling and thorn hooking vines.The species of thorn hooking vines are second only to twining vines but obviously exceed curling vines.These characteristics are obviously different from non-calcific mountainous region.2) The vine species richness,abundance,Simpson index and Shannon-Wiener index gradually decreased from shrubland,deciduous broad-leaved forest,evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved mixed forest to evergreen broad-leaved.The highest Pielou evenness index,however,occurs in deciduous broad-leaved forest.3) The total infection ratio of arbor by vine was 67.0% for species and 38.4% for individual number.Among different vegetations,the percentage of arbor species and arbor individual infected by vine gradually decrease from deciduous broad-leaved forest,evergreen broad-leaved forest,toward evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved mixed forest.
出处 《湖北民族学院学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2010年第3期247-250,276,共5页 Journal of Hubei Minzu University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国家林业局林业科技推广项目"中亚热带速生珍贵用材树种及配套技术推广"(\[2009\]003)
关键词 藤本植物 石灰岩 攀援机制 多样性指数 多度和丰富度 感染率. vine the calcific mountainous region climbing mechanics diversity index abundance and richness infection ratio
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