目的 总结十二指肠外瘘的营养治疗经验.方法 对1999年1月至2009年12月间收治的32例十二指肠外瘘患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析.结果 32例患者平均接受35.6(8~82) d的营养支持疗法,其中8例接受全肠外营养支持(TPN),2例接受全肠内营养支持(TEN),22例接受肠外肠内联合营养支持(PN加EN).11例患者进行了肠液回输;28例予以谷氨酰胺强化;22例肠瘘初期加用了生长抑素.本组24例十二指肠外瘘患者经非手术治愈,自然愈合率为75.0%;8例接受手术,治愈6例,死亡2例(分别死于严重腹腔感染和多系统器官衰竭);共计30例患者痊愈出院.结论 肠外肠内营养支持结合肠液回输、强化谷氨酰胺、生长抑素等措施,可促进十二指肠外瘘愈合.
Objective To summarize the experience in nutritional support for the management of duodenocutaneous fistula. Methods Data of 32 patients with duodenocutaneous fistula in Zhejiang provincial people′s hospital from January 1999 to December 2009 were analyzed retrospectively. Results The mean duration of nutritional support was 35.6 days (range, 8-82 days). Eight received total parenteral nutrition, 2 total enteral nutrition, and 22 parenteral nutrition combined with enteral nutrition respectively. Succus entericus reinfusion with enteral nutrition was used in 11 cases, glutamine-enriched nutritional support in 28 cases, somatostatin in 12 cases. In these patients, the healing rate was 75.0% after conservative treatment. In the 8 patients who underwent surgery, 6 were cured and 2 died (due to severe abdominal infection and multiple organ failure). A total of 30 patients had the fistulas cured and discharged. Conclusions Parenteral nutrition combined with enteral nutrition, succus entericus reinfusion combined with enteral nutrition, glutamine-enriched nutritional support and somatostatin are important factors for the healing of duodenocutaneous fistulas.
Chinese Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery
Duodenum fistula
Enteral nutrition
Parenteral nutrition