
800m跑下肢垂直刚度与腿刚度的变化特征 被引量:2

Characteristics of the changes of lower limb vertical stiffness and leg stiffness during the 800m run
摘要 利用弹簧质量模型对广东省第7届大学生运动会男子乙组800m跑过程中,支撑腿垂直刚度及腿刚度进行探讨,结果表明:腿垂直刚度、腿刚度及跑速在100~200m区间内达到峰值,并从此开始直到最后均呈连续下降;垂直刚度及腿刚度与跑速均存在显著的线性正相关,这种关联性也体现在与步频及步幅上;垂直刚度与支撑时间、腾空时间存在显著负相关,但却与腾空时间与支撑时间比值呈显著正相关,其深层原因有待于进一步探讨;800m跑后期阶段,要想保持跑速,通过保持较高的垂直刚度来维持较高的步频最为关键。 By utilizing a spring mass model,the authors probed into supporting leg stiffness and leg stiffness during the 800m run competed in by male runners in group B in the 7th Guangdong College Student Games,and revealed the following findings: leg vertical stiffness,leg stiffness and running speed reached their peak values in the 100-200m zone,then started continuous dropping to the end;there was a linear positive correlation between vertical stiffness and running speed as well as between leg stiffness and running speed,and such a correlation also showed between vertical stiffness and the pace and stride as well as between leg stiffness and the pace and stride;there was a significant negative correlation between vertical stiffness and supporting time as well as soaring time,yet there was a significant positive correlation between vertical stiffness and the ratio of soaring time to supporting time,deep reasons for this should be further probed into;the ultimate key for the runners to maintain their running speeds at the late stage of the 800m run is to maintain a higher pace by maintaining a higher vertical stiffness.
作者 邵义强 罗炯
出处 《体育学刊》 CAS CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第10期99-104,共6页 Journal of Physical Education
关键词 运动生物力学 垂直刚度 腿刚度 弹簧质量模型 800M跑 sports biomechanics vertical stiffness leg stiffness spring mass model 800m run
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