
负压封闭引流技术在Ⅱ度烧伤患者创面的应用 被引量:1

Application of vacuum sealing drainage (VSD) in Ⅱ degree burn wounds
摘要 目的:探讨负压封闭引流术(VSD)在Ⅱ度烧伤创面中的临床应用疗效。方法:将烧伤科30位住院患者共60个Ⅱ度创面。创面范围3.5cmx5.5cm-40.0cmx15.0cm,其中浅Ⅱ度创面24个、深Ⅱ度创面36个,分为对照组与实验组。对照组浅Ⅱ度创面12个,深Ⅱ度创面16个按照常规方法治疗,创面予碘伏清洗,sD-Ag霜,表皮生长因子等包扎、换药。实验组浅Ⅱ度创面12个,深Ⅱ度创面20个,入组后分别给予武汉维斯第成套专用敷料实施VSD治疗,并根据创面深浅,于治疗第8天更换敷料(已愈合创面不更换)。比较两组创面愈合时间及愈合率。结果:两组创面处理后均达到植皮要求,实验组创面愈合时间与对照组比较差异有显著性(P<0.05)。两组创面愈合率比较差异有显著性(P<0.05)。结论:VSD缩短了患者创面愈合所需时间,创面愈合率增加,并能减少患者频繁换药的痛苦,减少为了预防或控制感染而使用抗生素,减少患者住院时间,降低经济费用。增加患者对治疗的依从性,减少临床医生的工作量,是一种处理不同程度烧伤创面很好的方法。 Objective : Vacuum sealing drainage (VSD) in Ⅱ degree burn wounds in clinical efficacy was investigated. Methods :30 hospitalized burn a total of 60 Ⅱ degree burn. Wound area 3.5 cmx5.5cm a 40.0cmxl5.0cm,including 24 superficial Ⅱ degree wounds,deep wounds 36 grade Ⅱ were divided into control group and experimental group. Ⅱ degree burn control group of 12 shallow,deep Ⅱ degree wounds 16 in accordance with the conventional method of treatment,the wound to the io- dine wash, sD - Ag cream, epiderroal growth factor, dressing, dressing. Experimental group, 12 of superficial n degree wounds, deep wounds 20 Ⅱ degree, into the group were given after the first complete set of special dressings, Wuhan Davis VSD implementation of treatment, and under the wound depth, in the treatment of dressing change on day 8 ( no change has been healing wounds). Wound healing time were compared and the healing rate. Results : There were reached after the skin wound management requirements, wound healing time in experimental group compared with the control group there were significant differences ( P 〈 0.05 ). The wound healing rate difference between the two groups was significant (P 〈 0.05). Conclusion:VSD patients shortened the time required for wound healing, wound healing rate of increase and de- crease pain in patients with frequent dressing changes,reduce or control the infection in order to prevent the use of antibiotics to reduce the patient length of stay,lower economic costs. Increase oatient compliance with treatment,reduce the workload of clinicians,is a diffcrent level of processing good way to burn.
出处 《医学信息(中旬刊)》 2010年第11期3077-3078,共2页 Medical Information Operations Sciences Fascicule
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