
磁共振灌注成像血容量优化量化 被引量:1

Improved CBV quantification in perfusion-weighted MRI
摘要 针对磁共振灌注成像血容量量化中因对比剂渗漏和血液循环所致误差,提出矫正算法。利用二室模型,将受对比剂渗漏影响的对比剂浓度曲线建模为正常对比剂浓度曲线与其积分的线性组合,采用线性最小二乘方法估计最优权重,以矫正对比剂渗漏所致的过估计误差。提出去卷积-卷积模型,用以提取对比剂浓度曲线的首过分量,矫正因血液循环所致的过估计误差。仿真及多样脑胶质细胞瘤患者数据实验结果验证了算法的有效性。 Methods for improving the accuracy in cerebra blood volume(CBV) quantification using perfusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging(PWI) are proposed with respect to contrast agent extravasation and blood recirculation,respectively. Contrast agent extravasation contaminated concentration curve are modeled as a linear combination of the normal concentration curve and its integration using a two-compartment model.Linear least squares algorithm is used to optimize the weights for correcting the over-estimation of CBV due to contrast agent extravasation.The first pass components of the corrected concentration curve are extracted via a deconvolution-convolution mode/ and used to quantify CBV.Experimental results on simu- lations and PWIs from patients with Glioblastoma Multiform(GBM) prove the effectiveness of the ProPosed methods.
出处 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第31期25-27,31,共4页 Computer Engineering and Applications
基金 国家自然科学基金No.60802084~~
关键词 血容量量化 对比剂渗漏 血液循环 磁共振灌注成像 CBV quantification contrast agent extravasation blood recirculation perfusion-weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging
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