
基于压力模型的柔性物体仿真 被引量:2

Soft body simulation based on pressure model
摘要 现有的方法都不能很好地模拟具有内在体积的柔性物体。针对这种现状,将虚拟气体添加到改进的质点弹簧模型之上。通过内部的气体压力约束及改进的质点弹簧模型的约束实现了对这种柔性物体的模拟。实验表明,该方法真实地模拟了有内在体积的柔性物体,并且具有较强的实时性。 Soft body with internal volume can't be simulated realistically by existing methods.Aiming at this phenomenon, this paper adds virtual gas to the improved mass-spring model, and simulates the soft body by using restrictions which inelude internal gas pressure and the improved mass-spring limits.It is shown from the experiments that the soft body with internal volume is simulated vividly,and the method is real-time.
出处 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第31期206-208,242,共4页 Computer Engineering and Applications
基金 陕西省自然科学基金No.2007F26 陕西省教育厅科技专项基金(No.09JK370)~~
关键词 柔性物体 压力模型 质点.弹簧模型 碰撞检测 soft body pressure model mass-spring model collision detection
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