
不同布野方法对非小细胞肺癌调强放疗计划的影响 被引量:2

Impact of different beam set-up methods on quality of intensity modulated radiation therapy in nonsmall cell lung cancer
摘要 目的 探索非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)调强放疗(IMRT)计划设计时不同的设野方法 对于计划质量的影响.方法 21例Ⅰ~Ⅲ期NSCLC患者进入本研究.IMRT采用固定野静态调强技术.每例患者采用不同的设野方法 共设计3套调强计划,分别为:IMRT-7,使用等角度的7个射野,射野的入射角度分别为0°、51°、102°、153°、204°、255°、306°;IMRT-5,使用等角度的5个射野,射野的入射角度为0°、72°、144°、216°、288°;IMRT-5m,使用不等角度的5个射野,设野的方法 为从前述IMRT-7的7个射野中去除2个野(若患者的病灶位于左肺,则去除角度为255°、306°的两野;若病灶位于右肺则去除角度为51°、102°的两野).IMRT计划设计时正常肺剂量限制取之于同一患者实际治疗采用的3D-CRT计划肺V5~V60.IMRT开始取处方剂量为65 Gy,根据靶区和关键器官剂量要求按每2 Gy一阶梯进行递增或递减,直至获得最佳计划.结果 比较正常肺受量时发现,在V5~V25之间IMRT-5m的值较另两套计划均明显降低;V30~V40间3套计划相互间无明显差异;V45~V60间以IMRT-5计划最差;肺的平均剂量IMRT-5m最低.食管和脊髓的受量,靶区的适形性指数,以及治疗过程机器的总跳数3套计划间差异不明显.心脏V40以IMRT-5m计划的值最低.两两比较时,IMRT-5较IMRT-7明显增加了靶区的异质性指数值,而其他比较无明显差异.相比于3D-CRT,IMRT-7、IMRT-5和IMRT-5m分别可提高靶区剂量(5.1±4.6)Gy、(3.1±5.3)Gy和(5.5±4.8)Gy.结论 对于NSCLC的IMRT计划设计,射野方向是重要因素,调整好设野的方向可以减少照射野数目保证甚至提高IMRT计划的质量. Objective To investigate whether the change of beam set-up methods will influence the dosimetric quality of intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).Methods Twenty-one stage Ⅰ-Ⅲ NSCLC patients were selected for this study.The technique of step and shoot was used and three different beam set-up methods were chosen for IMRT planning,including IMRT-7 with nine equal-spaced beams angled 0°,51°,102°,153°,204°,255°and 306°; IMRT-5 with five equal-spaced beams angled 0°,72°,144°,216°and 288°; and IMRT-5m which was created from IMRT-7 but excluded 2 fields (51°and 102° were omitted if there was lesion in the right lung,while 255°and 306° were excluded if there was lesion in the left lung).The dose constrains ofnormal lungs for IMRT were set according to V5-V60 of normal lungs obtained from the same patient's actually treated 3D-CRT dose volume histogram.The prescription dose for IMRT started from 65 Gy,and then escalated or decreased step by step by 2 Gy once a time until the best plan was obtained.Results For normal lung dose,IMRT-5m had lower V5-V25 than the other two groups; but there was no significant difference in V30-V40.IMRT-5 was the worst for V45-V60; and mean lung dose was lowest in IMRT-5m.Dose parameters of esophagus and spinal cord,target conformity index,and total monitor units were all similar among difference plans.IMRT-5m had lowest heart V40 compared to the other two groups.For target heterogeneity index,IMRT-5 was higher than IMRT-7,but there were no significant differences among IMRT-5m,IMRT-5 and IMRT-7.Compared to 3D-CRT,the prescription dose could be increased by (5.1 ±4.6) Gy for IMRT-7,(3.1 ±5.3) Gy for IMRT-5,and (5.5 ±4.8)Gy for IMRT-5m.Conclusion Fewer beams and modified beam angles could result in similar,even better plan quality.
出处 《中华放射医学与防护杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第5期576-579,共4页 Chinese Journal of Radiological Medicine and Protection
关键词 非小细胞肺癌 调强放射治疗 剂量学 设野角度 射野数目 Non-small cell lung cancer Intensity modulated radiation therapy Dosimetry Beam angle Beam number
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