Objective:To study the effect of sinvatatin on paroxysmal atrial fibrillation with hypertensive disease,including the rate of recurrence of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation and incidence rate of persistence atrial fibrillation.Furthermore,to explore the effect of sinvatatin on high sensitive C-reactive protein (hsCRP),IL-6,TNF-α,rennin,angiotensinⅡ (AngⅡ) and the link of between these factors and atrial fibrillation.Method:Eighty-seven patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation and with hypertensive disease patients were divided into two groups:Intervention group (45 cases):beside conventional therapy,also giving 20 mg/d sinvatatin.Control group (42 cases):only giving conventional therapy.Then tracing 24 months,detecting the level of hsCRP,IL-6,TNF-αrennin,AngⅡbefore therapy and therapy one year after and observing rate of recurrence of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation and incidence rate of persistence atrial fibrillation.All cases were followed up 24 months,the level of hsCRP,IL-6,TNF-α,rennin and AngⅡ,the rate of recurrence of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation and incidence rate of persistence atrial fibrillation were all detected before and 1 year after therapy.Result:No significant changes of hsCRP,IL-6,TNF-α,rennin,AngⅡlevels were found between the control group and intervention group before therapy,but intervention group had significantly lower levels after one year therapy compared with that in control group (P0.05).There is significant significant ly lower rate of recurrence of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation among in intervention group (7 patients,15.6%) compared with that in control group (14 patients,33.4%).There is significant significantly lower incidence rate of persistence atrial fibrillation among in intervention group (2 patients,4.5%) compared with that in control group (5 patients,11.9%,P0.05).All recrudesced patients had significantly high levels of hsCRP,IL-6,TNF-α,rennin,AngⅡcompared with that in no recrudesced patients (P0.01).Conclusion:Sinvatatin can degrade rate of recurrence of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation and incidence rate of persistence atrial fibrillation of with hypertensive disease.Furthermore,sinvatatin can degrade the serum level levels of hsCRP,IL-6,TNF-α,rennin and AngⅡ,which maybe correlated with recurrence of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation.It indicates that the inflammatory reaction and the activation of RAAS may promote the occurrence and maintenance of atrial fibrillation.
Journal of Clinical Cardiology
atrial fibrillation