目的:评价点阵Er:YAG激光连续多脉冲照射对豚鼠皮肤的组织学影响。方法:使用点阵Er:YAG激光连续15个脉冲照射脱毛后的豚鼠背部皮肤,取照射后1 h、1 d、2 d、3 d、5 d、7 d、15 d及30 d的照射侧和对照侧皮肤,应用HE染色、LDH酶组织化学染色和Masson染色进行组织学观察。结果:点阵Er:YAG激光连续多脉冲照射豚鼠皮肤后,皮肤组织出现一系列点阵排列的局灶性锥状气化剥脱微损伤。照射后1~7 d微损伤区皮肤产生炎症反应,表皮细胞上皮化,炎症和坏死组织形成痂皮脱落;8~30 d局部真皮内胶原新生、重塑,照射后15 d胶原较未照射侧明显增多。结论:点阵Er:YAG激光连续多脉冲照射豚鼠背部皮肤可以有效的刺激真皮局灶性胶原增生。
Objective: To investigate the histological changes of gudnea pig skin after fractional erbium YAG laser irradiation. Methods: After hair removal, one side of dorsal area of guinea pig was irradiated with fractional erbium YAG laser and other side was used as control. The irradiated area was biopsied and exmnined histologically using H&E staining, LDH staining and Masson staining at 1 - hour, 1 d, 2 ds, 3 ds, 5 ds, 7 ds, 15 ds and 30 ds. Resuits: Columns of thermal coagulation that was surrounded by tapering ablative zones were observed histologically in epidermis and part of dermis after irradiation. After 1 - 7 days, inflammatory reaction occurred in the damaged area and keratocytes migrated from the surrounding tissue. Collagen renewed and remodeled in fractional dennis in 8 to 30 days after irradiation. The content of collagen was higher in treated area after 15 days afterward than in untreated area. Conclusion: Fractional Er: YAG laser with multi - pulse irradiation can effectively stimulate remodeling of fractional dermis collagen.
China Journal of Leprosy and Skin Diseases