
湘江重点城市饮用水源地挥发/半挥发有机污染物调查与分析评价 被引量:2

Investigation and Evaluation of the Volatile/Semi-Volatile Organic Pollutants in Drinking Water Sources at Key Cities around Xiangjiang River
摘要 采用气相色谱质谱仪(GC-MS)对湘江流域长沙、株洲、湘潭、岳阳等8个重点城市生活饮用源地水质中挥发/半挥发性有机物进行了分析,结果表明,8个重点城市饮用水源地水质中108种挥发和半挥发性有机物均未检出,含量均处在较低水平。对湘江流域有机污染物来源进行了调查分析,提出了加强有机污染物排放监测和控制管理,并定期对地表水中有机污染物进行监测的必要性。 The volatile/semi-volatile organic compounds in drinking water sources at 8 key cities,including Changsha,Zhuzhou,Xiangtan and Yueyan,had been detected by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry(GC-MS).The results showed that the 108 kinds of volatile/semi-volatile organic compounds were all lower than detect limits in the investigated water environment.By surveying and analyzing of the potential organic pollution sources around the Xiangjiang River,we suggested that it was necessary to strengthen monitoring and controlling of the discharge of organic pollutants,and to monitor organic pollutants in surface water regularly.
出处 《环境科学与管理》 CAS 2010年第10期118-121,共4页 Environmental Science and Management
基金 湖南省环境保护科技基金项目(湘环科软评字〔2009〕第04号)
关键词 挥发性和半挥发性有机物 气相色谱质谱法 饮用水源地 湘江 volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds gas chromatography-mass spectrometry drinking water sources Xiangjiang River
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