目的 分析本地区近3年重危孕产妇临床资料,以明确本地区重危孕产妇保健工作重点.方法 回顾分析商洛市中心医院妇产科2007年1月~2009年12月收住院的重危孕产妇287(9.41%)例住院资料.结果 在287例重危孕产妇中初产妇178例(62.02%);农村产妇217例(75.62%);小学文化程度的妇女133例(46.36%);妊娠期高血压疾病重度子痫前期173例(60.28%);剖宫产手术终止妊娠者258例(89.89%).结论 应加强对初产妇、农村妇女和文化程度低的妇女进行有关孕期保健知识的宣教;妊娠期高血压疾病是危重孕产妇中最常见的疾病,是产科工作的重点.
Objective To analyze clinical data of 287 critical pregnant and parturient women in past 3 years, and to determine emphasis of health care of critical pregnant and parturient women in the region. Methods The clinical data of 287 critical pregnant and parturient women treated in Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Shangluo Municipal Central Hospital in a period from January, 2007 to December, 2009 were analyzed retrospectively. Results Among 287 critical pregnant and parturient women, 178 were primiparous ( accounting for 62.02% of the total), 217 were rural women (75.62%), and 133 critical pregnant and parturient women(46.36% ) had primary sehool education background, 173 critical pregnant women (60. 28% ) suffered from hypertensive disorder complicating pregnancy--severe pre-eelampsia, and 258 critical pregnant women (89. 89% ) received cesarean section to terminate pregnancy. Conclusion Publicizing antenatal education for primiparae, rural women and those women with low educational level should be strengthened. Hypertensive disorder complicating pregnancy is a common obstetric disease of critical pregnant women, which is the emphasis in obstetries.
Chinese Journal of Woman and Child Health Research
critical disease and condition
pregnant women
diagnosis and treatment
hypertensive disorder complicating pregnancy (HDCP)