
房间设计相对湿度对空调系统经济性的影响——兼评《对〈空调节能技术和措施的辨识(1):“26℃空调节能行动”的误解〉一文中某个观点的探讨》一文 被引量:1

Impact of room design relative humidity on air conditioning system economy—Concurrent comments on Discussion on a viewpoint in Identification of air conditioning energy conservation technologies and measures(1):misconceive of "26 ℃ air conditioning energ
摘要 指出了相关文献存在的问题。计算表明,当采用一次回风的集中式空调系统时,提高设计相对湿度,对于普通办公室能耗增加;而对于人员密集、新风量较大的办公室和商场,则能耗略有减少。采用常规风机盘管加新风的空调系统的房间,相对湿度不能任意设定。采用干盘管作为显冷设备的独立新风系统时,不同功能的房间设计相对湿度和投资的变化规律不同。但是,无论哪种空调系统,室内设计相对湿度降低,空调系统的一次投资均会减少。研究房间设计相对湿度对空调系统的经济性影响时,必须将舒适性空调和工艺性空调区分开来。 Points out the problems existed in the related document.The calculation results of engineering examples show that increasing design relative humidity in central air conditioning system with primary return air,common office rooms will consume more energy,but in offices or shopping malls with larger number of occupants and larger fresh air rate energy consumption will decrease slightly.The relative humidity of rooms using conventional air conditioning system with fan coil units and fresh air can not be set ad lib.When using DOAS with dry coil as sensible cooling equipment,the rooms with different functions have different variety rules of design relative humidity and initial investment.However,no matter what kind of air conditioning systems,reducing indoor relative humidity will decrease initial investment of air conditioning systems.The comfort air conditioning and the industrial air conditioning must be differentiated when studies the impact of design relative humidity on air conditioning system economy.
作者 殷平
机构地区 湖南大学
出处 《暖通空调》 北大核心 2010年第10期14-19,共6页 Heating Ventilating & Air Conditioning
关键词 相对湿度 经济性比较 问题分析 relative humidity economy comparison problem analysis
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