
MTPV系统中热光电能量转换的数值分析 被引量:3

Numerical Analysis of the Thermophotovoltaic Energy Transition in the MTPV System
摘要 为研究微热光电系统中辐射表面和光电池表面间的能量传输特性,构建了能量转换的物理数学模型。模型中辐射表面采用矩形结构的碳化硅片,光电池选择锑化镓,并考虑辐射表面温度分布的不均匀性和空间辐射角系数。通过改变辐射器表面温度分布、光电池温度以及两者之间的距离等参数,计算各种情况下的电池效率和功率密度,分析这些参数对它们的影响规律,得出如下结论:间距增大,可显著降低功率输出,但对电池效率影响不大,距离每增加1mm,电池效率仅减小0.24%;电池温度升高,电池效率和功率密度均呈现出线性关系逐渐递减;混合气流量从600mL/min提高至1800mL/min,功率密度可提高216.7mW/cm2。 Physical and mathematical model is constructed in order to study the energy transition characteristic between the radiation surface and PV cell in the micro-thermophotovoltaic system.In the model,rectangular SiC radiation slice and GaSb PV cell are used,and the non-uniformity of radiation surface temperature distribution and the radiation view factor are considered.Cell efficiency and power density are calculated in each case when radiation surface temperature distribution and cell temperature and their distance are changed.The effects of these parameters on the energy transition in the system are analysed,and a series of conclusions are as follows:power output significantly decreases with distance increasing,but the distance has little influence on the cell efficiency,it only decreases 0.24% for each 1mm increase of distance;both cell efficiency and power density show gradual degression of linear relation with the rise of cell temperature;power density can increase 216.7 W/cm2 when mixture volume flux is raised from 600 mL/min to 1 800 mL/min.
出处 《机械工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第20期134-138,共5页 Journal of Mechanical Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金(50706016) 江苏省基础研究计划(BK2008245) 江苏省高校自然科学基金(07KJB470015) 江苏省“青蓝工程”和“拔尖人才培养工程”资助项目
关键词 微热光电系统 光电池 能量转换模型 效率 功率密度 Micro-thermophotovoltaic system PV cell Energy transition model Cell efficiency Power density
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