
民用建筑空调系统的节能措施 被引量:1

Energy-saving of the Air Conditioning in the Civilian Construction
摘要 叙述了民用建筑中央空调节能的必要性、可行性,从空调系统的设计、运行管理等方面提出了节能措施。 This article discusses the necessary and reliability of the energy-saving of the air conditioning in civilian construction.And puts forwards many measures and ways of the energy-saving from design and function administer according to actuality of the air conditioning system.
出处 《山西能源与节能》 2010年第5期55-56,共2页 Shanxi Energy and Conservation
关键词 民用建筑 中央空调系统 节能 civilian construction central air conditioning system energy-saving
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