Abstract: Objective Sixty patients with gynecologic tumors and 60 patients with the breast cancer were treated with nylestriol for 12 weeks and medroxyprogesterone acetate for 4 weeks along with radiotherapy. Serum BGP, bone mineral content (BMC), ealeitonin (CT), calcium (Ca), creatinine (Cr), and serum alkaline phosphatase (AKP) were measured for two patient groups before and after the treatment. Nylestriol treatment was performed to prevent postmenopausal patients with gynecologic tumors or the breast cancer from bone loss, in order to improve clinical work and the life quality and the treatment efficacy of the patients. Methods The BGP and CT levels of the 60 postmenopausal patients with gynecologic tumor, and 60 with the breast cancer, and 30 healthy controls were measured using radioimmunoassay methods. BMC were measure using dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry methods. Urine Ca and serum Cr, AKP, Ca, P were measured using SMAC technique. Results The serum BGP and BMC in postmenopausal patients with gynecologic tumors or the breast cancer were apparently lower than those in the control group and the differences were statistically significant (P 〈 0. 05 ; P 〈 0.01 ). Serum AKPs were increased compared with the control group and the differences were statistically significant. CTs were increased and urine Ca and Cr were decreased after the treatment. Serum Ca and P had no significant change before and after the treatment. Conclusion The uylestriol and medroxyprogesterone acetate treatment, Ca supplement, and changes of life style in postmenopausal patients with gynecologic tumors or the breast cancer along with radiotherapy could stimulate the thyroid cell, increase the secretion of caleitonin, and inhibit the bone absorption. So the nylestriol and medroxyprogesterone treatment to the postmenopausal patients with gynecologic tumors or the breast cancer along with radiotherapy and BGP and BMC surveillance could improve the prevention, early diagnosis, and treatment efficacy of osteoporosis.
Chinese Journal of Osteoporosis
Gynecologic tumor
Breast cancer
Radiation treatment
Bonemineral content