
西夏语人称呼应和动词音韵转换再探讨 被引量:5

More on Personal Agreement and Vowel Alternation of Verbs in Tangut
摘要 西夏语的人称呼应不仅包括第一二人称代词,也包括指称第一、二人称的名词;不仅有主语、宾语的人称呼应,也有宾语的定语人称呼应。对克平和龚煌城发现的西夏语人称呼应和语音转换,用西夏文辞书《音同》、《文海》的注释加以证实,但仍有需进一步审视的空间,同时提出新的动词语音对应例证。最后提出西夏语的人称呼应处于弱化的过程,并将西夏语的人称呼应与羌语曲谷话做简单对照。 In the Tangut language, personal agreement holds not only between subjects and objects but also between the objects and their modifiers, involving both first and second person pronouns and first and second person nouns. Personal agreement and vowel alternation in Tangut, first discovered by Kepping and Gong Huangcheng, still need further exploration. This paper justifies Gong's discovery of vowel alternation by citing examples from two Tangut dictionaries Yin Tong and Wen Hal, and supplies more pairs of verbs involving vowel alternations. In the end, the paper mentions in passing that the personal agreement in the Tangut language was under the process of being reduced, and conducts a brief comparison of the personal agreement in the Tangut language with that in the Qugu dialect of the Qiang language.
作者 史金波
出处 《民族语文》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第5期40-55,共16页 Minority Languages of China
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  • 1史金波,黄振华,聂鸿音.《类林研究》,宁夏人民出版社,1993年版.
  • 2К.Б.Келинг,Тангутский язык.Морфология,Изд.Наука,Москва,1985.
  • 3龚煌城.《西夏语动词的人称呼应与音韵转换》[J].语言暨语言学,2001,.
  • 4龚煌城:《西夏语动词的人称呼应与音韵转换》,收入龚煌城:《西夏语文研究论文集》,中研院语言所筹备处,2002年,第201-245页.
  • 5俄罗斯圣彼得堡东方学研究所手稿部藏黑水城文献Инв.No.363.
  • 6王静如:《西夏研究》,第三辑,中央研究院历史语言研究所单刊甲种之十三,1933年.
  • 7史金波,魏同贤,克恰诺夫主编:《俄藏黑水城文献》,第11册,第5-10页.
  • 8《中国藏西夏文献》,第6册,第191-211页.
  • 9黄振华,聂鸿音,史金波整理:《番汉合时掌中珠》,宁夏人民出版社,1989年,第63页.
  • 10《中国藏西夏文献》,第5册,第219-262页.




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