目的:评价304 nm高能紫外光靶向治疗白癜风的疗效及安全性。方法:采用美国DuaLight^(TM)UV120-2型高能紫外光治疗仪治疗白癜风患者87例。治疗前判定皮肤类型,测定最小红斑量。照射起始剂量为最小红斑量的2倍,逐渐增加照射剂量,每周照射2次,规律治疗3个月后判定疗效。结果:87例患者中,痊愈14例,显效15例,好转53例,无效5例。有效率33.3%。进展期疗效好于稳定期,各部位之间疗效差异无统计学意义。不良反应为红斑、轻度瘙痒等,均可自行消退。结论:304 nm高能紫外光治疗白癜风起效快,疗效肯定,能最大限度保护白斑周围正常皮肤。局部不良反应少,是一种简单、安全的治疗方法。
Objectives: To evaluate the therapeutic efficacy and safety of 304 nm UVB in the targeted treatment of vitiligo. Methods: Eighty-seven patients with vitiligo were treated by 304 nm UVB twice a week, with DualightTM UV 120-2 targeted phototherapy system (Theralight Inc. USA). The skin type and the minimal erythema dose (MED) were measured before treatment. The initial dosage was 2 times of MED, and the dosage was gradually increased. The efficacy and safety were evaluated 3 months later. Results: Out of 87 cas- es, 14 cured, 15 significantly improved, 53 moderately improved, and 5 without improvement. The total response rate was 33.3%. The adverse reactions were slight erythema and pruritus which resolved spontaneously. The efficacy was related to the clinical stage of the lesions, not to the location of the lesions. Conclusion: 304 nm UVB therapy is an effective and safe method to treat vitiligo, which could be used to protect the normal skin around the lesions.
Journal of Clinical Dermatology