
基于Web Service的生物学实体映射数据库 被引量:1

Biological Entity Mapping Database Based on Web Service
摘要 生物学实体映射就是要实现对基因、蛋白质、小分子物质、化合物和药物等实体的不同标识符和名称之间的相互转换。生物学实体映射可以帮助生物医学研究者将实验结果关联到海量的在线生物医学数据资源,并为生物医学文本挖掘和信息检索的研究者在命名实体识别和查询关键词扩展方面提供技术支持。构建一个生物学实体映射数据库,其中存储了大量的生物学实体映射信息;还构建一个基于Web Service的生物学实体映射网络应用系统,为用户同时提供通过浏览器和通过Web Service的两种方式访问生物学实体映射数据库。 Biological entity mapping is to implement the transformation of different identifiers or names of biological entities,such as genes,proteins,small molecules,chemicals or drugs.It could help biomedical researchers to relate their experimental results to relevant data within the mass online biomedical resources,as well as provide technical support for the researchers of biomedical text mining and information retrieval in terms of named entity recognition and query keyword extension.In this study,a biological entity mapping database was established,in which great amount information of biological entity mapping was stored.A web service based web application system of biological entity mapping was set up.The user could access the biological entity mapping database by both browser and web service.
作者 张智 张正国
出处 《中国生物医学工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第5期704-709,共6页 Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering
基金 中华医学基金(CMB03-787)
关键词 生物学实体 映射 网络服务 数据库 biological entity mapping web service database
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