

Horner's syndrome:an unusual persistant complication of anterior cervical discectomy
摘要 目的:提供颈部手术后霍纳综合征1例。方法:包括药物学测试,以明确诊断。结果:患者出现右上睑1.5mm上睑下垂,右瞳孔缩小。扩张的瞳孔表现为暗适应滞后。右脸存在有面部无汗症。应用5g/L阿可乐宁后,右瞳孔扩张,上眼睑下垂改善。结论:交感神经的去神经眼睛(霍纳综合征)通常呈现为一个上睑下垂,瞳孔缩小和面部无汗症。我们提供的1例颈椎前路椎间盘切除后霍纳综合征病例是一个持续性霍纳综合征的罕见原因。 AIM: To present a case of Horner's syndrome which developped after neck surgery. METHODS: The patient was admitted to our clinic with the complaint of droop of right eye's upper lid which appeared after having a neck surgery for cervical radiculopathy. Full ophthalmologic examination was done, including pharmachological tests to confirm the diagnosis. RESULTS: The right upper eyelid was 1.5ram ptotic. Right pupil was miotic. There was a lag of dilation in the right pupil in the dark. Facial anhidrosis was present at the right side of the face. Right pupil dilated and upper eyelid ptosis improved with apraclonidine 5g/L application. CONCLUSION: Sympathetic denervation of the eye (Horner's syndrome (HS) ) usually presents as a triad of ptosis of upper eyelid, miosis and facial anhydrosis. We present a case of HS after anterior cervical discectomy operation which is an unusual and rare cause of persistant HS.
出处 《国际眼科杂志》 CAS 2010年第11期2062-2063,共2页 International Eye Science
关键词 霍纳综合征 颈椎前路椎间盘切除术 医源性 Horner's syndrome anterior cervical discectomy iatrogenic
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