研究了花臂尾轮虫Brachionus calyciflorus 24h标准化急性毒性试验的可行性和优越性。应用轮虫休眠卵,在25℃、3000lx的强光照下进行孵化,吸取孵化后3h内的幼体,进行24h(暗相)急性毒性试验。研究表明,Cu、Hg、NaPCP、SDS、Cd、Zn、Ni、NH_3对B.calyciflorus的24h LC_(50)值分别为0.022、0.043、1.30、1.47、1.77、1.80、4.11、5.03mg/L,敏感性介于B.rubens和B.plicatilis之间,与其他生物试验具有一定的可比性,平均CV值为9.53%。试验表明,轮虫休眠卵的轮虫毒性试验具有快速、敏感、可重复性好以及简便等优点。
A standardized 24h acute toxicity test by using rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus has been studied. Cysts were hatching at 25℃under 30001x, collected after 3h hatching young neornates, and used them for 24h acute toxicity test. The 24h LC50 of eight compounds to B. calyciflorus were 0.022mg/L for copper, 5.03mg/L for free ammonia, and its sensitivity was between B. rubens and B. plicatilis. The average CV value was 9.53%. In comparison with other route assays, the test can be accepted with credibility. The cyst based rotifer test is a rapid, sensitive, highly repeatable and cost-effective assay.
Shanghai Environmental Sciences