
越战和谈中的中国因素新探 被引量:1

New Research into the Factors of China in the Vietnam War Peace Talks
摘要 1972年是中美缓和与越战和谈的关键一年,二者同时进行并相互影响。越南问题最终和平解决在很大程度上是由于中美缓和后客观上给越南带来的孤立感和压力,而非通常所认为的是中国为了与美国缓和向越方施压的结果。 The year of 1972 was a crucial one in Sino-American Detente and Vietnam War Peace Talks,which proceeded at the same time and influenced each other. That Vietnam problem could finally be solved peacefully was largely due to the isolation and pressure objectively caused by Sino-American Detente,which was against the commonly supposed fact that China placed pressure on Vietnamese side in order to carry out the detente with America.
作者 田猛
出处 《山东师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 北大核心 2010年第5期86-90,共5页 Journal of Shandong Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
关键词 越战和谈 中美缓和 中国因素 Vietnam War peace talks Sino-American Détente the factors of China
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