

The Loyal Customers of a Brand Deal with the Competitive Marketing Persuasion Information
摘要 现实市场中,同行的企业之间竞争非常激烈,越来越多的企业在依靠大规模的营销说服活动来争夺市场上的消费者。本研究集中关注了品牌的忠诚顾客如何处理竞争性营销说服信息。通过以国内皮鞋行业和皮鞋品牌为实验背景,研究发现:有显著品牌忠诚的顾客会抵制竞争性营销说服信息;相反,无显著品牌忠诚的顾客不会抵制竞争性营销说服信息;顾客有、无显著的品牌忠诚成为了他们是否抵制竞争性营销说服信息的决定因素。基于上述研究发现,讨论了营销实践意义及未来研究方向。 In the actual market, the competition eoming from the same trade companies is very impetuosity. More and more companies depend on massive marketing persuasion to contest customers. This research focuses on the issue how the loyal customers of a brand deal with the competitive marketing persuasion information. Choosing the leathern shoes as the target of experiment, we get some findings: the loyal customers of a brand will resist to competitive marketing persuasion information; correspondingly, the non- loyal customers will not resist; the loyalty of customer is the determinant of whether or not resistance to competitive marketing persuasion information. Based on these findings, we talk about their marketing practice values and the directions of future research.
作者 陆卫平
出处 《华东经济管理》 CSSCI 2011年第1期129-134,共6页 East China Economic Management
基金 温州市科技计划项目"忠诚顾客对竞争性营销说服信息抵制的研究-以温州鞋业品牌为例"(R20090098)
关键词 忠诚顾客 竞争性营销说服信息 营销说服抵制 探索性研究 loyal customer competitive marketing persuasion information resistance to marketing persuasion exploratory research
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