

Adverbial Connectors in the Chinese EFL Learners' CET-4 Writing——A Corpus-based Analysis
摘要 运用语料库的研究方法以及语言学中的统计方法,对不同分数段的四级英语统考作文中连接副词的使用现象进行了分析。发现:总体来说,连接副词的使用频率与写作质量之间有显著相关。其中,列举和添加、同位、过渡类别的连接副词的使用对作文分数有显著影响。因此,如何有效地指导学生合理使用这些连接副词成为英语教师的教学重点。 This paper reports a corpus-based study on the use of adverbial connectors in the writings of CET-4 by the Chinese EFL learners.Research results show that there is a significant correlation between the overall frequencies of adverbial connectors in the writings and writing quality.And the use of some semantic types of adverbial connectors,i.e.enumeration and addition,apposition,transition has great effects on the writing quality.Thus how to effectively guide the students to use these English adverbial connectors in their writing appropriately becomes our teaching emphasis.
作者 邓飞
出处 《河北理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2010年第6期146-149,共4页 Journal of Hebei Polytechnic University:Social Science Edition
基金 华南农业大学2010年度教育教学改革与研究重点项目:面向教学的报刊英语语料库的创建及其应用JG10019
关键词 连接副词 语料库 写作质量 adverbial connectors corpus writing quality
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