
神经干细胞移植治疗小脑性共济失调的疗效评定 被引量:2

Treadment of Cerebellar Ataxia by Neural Stem Cell Transplantation
摘要 目的探讨神经干细胞(Neural stem cells,NSCs)移植对小脑性共济失调的治疗作用。方法对216例小脑性共济失调患者进行NSCs腰椎脊髓蛛网膜下腔注射,分别于治疗前及治疗后180d对患者日常生活自理能力进行评分。结果采用NSCs移植治疗前和治疗后180d的生活自理能力评分分别为(52.25±9.12)、(73.50±11.35),有显著差异(P<0.05)。结论 NSCs移植治疗能改善小脑性共济失调患者的日常生活自理能力,提高生存质量。 Objective To explore the effects of neural stem cell transplantation in treatment of cerebellar ataxia.Methods To transplant NSCs to a cerebellar ataxia patient by injection through lumbar subarachnoid cavity and to evaluate the score of Barthel index before and 180 days later.Results The scores before and 180 days later are(52.25±9.12)and(73.50±11.35) respectively.There are significantly different.Conclusion NSCs transplantation could contribute to improve the activities of daily living and ameliorate the quality of life for the patients of cerebellar ataxia.
出处 《医药论坛杂志》 2010年第18期19-20,共2页 Journal of Medical Forum
关键词 神经干细胞 移植 小脑性共济失调 Neural stem cell Transplantation Cerebellar ataxia
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