The central transfer payments whether total or in the proportion of the Xinjiang economy, has significantly accelerated growth in recent years. Especially after the implementation of western development policy, the central transfer payments already exceeded the speed of economic development in Xinjiang. Xinjiang's economy can not develop without outside help, the country's support and their own efforts.Foreign direct investment can be seen as outside help. While transfer payments are an important means of national support .And local fiscal expenditure is on behalf of their own efforts. Combination of transfer payments, expenditure and foreign direct investment, using regression and gray relational analysis method, analysize the comprehensive affect on Xinjiang economy and found that has promoted it after the tax system reforms. Regression revealed that expenditure and transfer payments have relatively larger contribution to economic growth in Xinjiang, while the role of foreign direct investment has not fully revealed. Using Gray found that non-productive expenditure has greatest impact on the economy of Xinjiang, followed by transfer payments and productive expenditure, finally foreign direct investment. By understanding the pattern of this impact, it will provide an idea to guide future economic development in Xinjiang.
Journal of Technical Economics & Management