
双腔中心静脉导管在腹腔局限积液积脓超声引导置管治疗的应用 被引量:2

Application of Double-lumen Central Venous Catheter in the Catheterization of Localized Pyocelia or Pyoperitoneum Guided by Ultrasound
摘要 目的评价双腔中心静脉导管应用在彩色多普勒超声引导下经皮腹腔局限积液或腹腔脓肿置管治疗中可行性。方法对53例腹部手术、腹部创伤及腹腔内炎症疾病引起腹腔局限积液、腹腔脓肿进行彩色多普勒超声引导下经皮置管治疗置管成功率、置管治疗病灶愈合时间及置管治疗并发症。结果一次置管成功51例,另2例经超声检查重新引导定位后成功置管,留置导管时间5~18d。2例伤口轻微感染,4例导管阻塞,经过用消毒导丝置入通管后复通。结论双腔中心静脉导管用作超声引导下经皮腹腔局限积液、腹腔脓肿置管治疗具有安全、微创、操作简便、疗效好及费用低等特点。 Objective To evaluate the efficacy of double-lumen central venous catheter in the catheterization of localized pyocelia or pyoperitoneum guided by ultrasound. Methods 53 patients with localized pyocelia or pyoperitoneum were treated by catheterization guided with Color-doppler ultrasound. The patients all underwent abdominal surgery or trauma or inflammation, which cause their localized pyocelia or pyoperitoneum. Markd down the success rate of catheterization, the time for recovery and complication. Results 51 patients were successfully catheterized at the first time. Only two patients needed a second catheterization. It was 5~18 days between catheterization and tube drawing. 2 patients got minor infection in the wound. Four patients' catheters were obstructed, which went through again after sterilized guide-wire imbedding.Conclusion It's safe, microinvasive, convenient to apply double-lumen central venous catheter in the catheterization of localized pyocelia or pyoperitoneum guided by ultrasound. This method is cost-effective and with wonderful therapeutic effect.
出处 《中国医疗设备》 2010年第10期78-79,共2页 China Medical Devices
关键词 双腔中心静脉导管 超声引导 腹腔置管 腹腔感染 double-lumen central venous catheter ultrasound-guided abdominal catheterization abdominal infection
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