
偶氮苯聚合物掺杂液晶光栅的研究 被引量:1

Analysis of Azobenzene Polymer Doped Liquid Crystal Grating
摘要 将偶氮苯聚合物和向列相液晶以一定比例混合后注入液晶盒,用线性偏振光进行掩膜光照,引发偶氮苯聚合物发生顺反异构,诱导液晶产生光双折射现象,形成偶氮苯聚合物掺杂液晶光栅,样品通过光学显微镜和He-Ne激光器的检测,结果表明该光栅具有清晰的光栅结构,衍射效率高并具有电场可调谐性,更为重要的是驱动电压大幅降低,可与集成电路匹配。 Azobenzene polymer and liquid crystal are mixed in certain ratio,then the mixture is injected into cells.Nonlinearly photoinduced birefringence takes place when linearly polarized ultraviolet is applied with the pattern photomask covering on the cells,which results in the formation of azobenzene polymer doped liquid crystal grating.The samples are checked by optical microscope and He-Ne laser.The results indicate the samples have clear grating structure,and the diffraction efficiencies can be modulated by electric field.It is important that the driving voltage of the sample is low enough to match the driving integrated circuit.
出处 《液晶与显示》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第5期689-692,共4页 Chinese Journal of Liquid Crystals and Displays
基金 国家自然科学基金(No.50703039)
关键词 液晶 偶氮苯聚合物 光栅 电光特性 liquid crystal; azobenzene polymer; grating; electric-optical property;
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