
时间属性序列图:语法和语义 被引量:5

Syntax and Semantics of Timed Property Sequence Chart
摘要 为了表示事件出现的时间约束,扩展属性序列图为时间属性序列图,使其继承属性序列图的优点,并且能够表示时间属性,定义了时间属性序列图的形式语法,并给出基于时间Büchi自动机的形式操作语义;用实时规约模式度量了时间属性序列图的表达力.最后,对时间属性序列图进行了实例研究,显示了其广泛的应用前景. In this paper,in order to make property sequence chart have timed expressiveness,the property sequence chart is extended into a timed property sequence chart that gives the semantics of the timed property sequence chart in terms of timed Büchi automaton.Then,the expressive power of timed property sequence chart is measured with the use of a recently proposed real-time specification pattern.Finally,the use of timed property sequence chart is illustrated in a case study,which shows the extensive application prospect of a timed property sequence chart in real-time system.
出处 《软件学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2010年第11期2752-2767,共16页 Journal of Software
基金 国家自然科学基金Nos.60773105 60973149 国家高技术研究发展计划(863)No.2008AA01Z113 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金No.2009B04314~~
关键词 属性序列图 时间属性序列图 时间Büchi自动机 形式验证 property sequence chart; timed property sequence chart; timed Büchi automaton; formal verification;
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