目的 观察健康青年人饮用适量酒精(0.8 g/kg)后对各频段脑电功率的影响和动态观察.方法 记录20例健康青年志愿者饮酒前和饮酒后9 h的所有脑电数据并进行定量分析.结果 所有脑区α1频段相对功率百分比呈上升趋势,α3和δ频段呈下降趋势.平均酒精浓度于1.5 h达峰而脑电图平均相对功率百分比于2.5 h变化最明显.酒精浓度达峰后1 h内相应频段继续呈上升和下降趋势提示酒精对脑神经的作用有延迟效应.结论 适量酒精可使健康青年人各脑区α1频段相对功率百分比升高,而α3、δ频段相对功率百分比降低.酒精对脑神经的作用有延迟效应.
Objective To investigate the dynamic changes in the relative power of different EEG band in young health volunteers after administrating moderate alcohol(0.8g/kg). Methods Quantitative EEG was recorded before and nine hours after administrating moderate alcohol in 20 healthy adults. Results the relative power of al band increased in all recording fields,a3and3bands decreased. The relative EEG power went to prominence at about 2.5h after administration while plasma alcohol concentration showed its peak at 1.5h. There was continuing rising and fall of the relative power within lh after the peak of alcohol concentration reached. Conclusions The relative power of al band increased in all fields of brain,α3and δbands showed decline. The peak effect of alcohol on EEG was delayed in one hour in comparison to the alcohol plasma concentration.
Journal of Neuroscience and Mental Health