
基于积分法的热流后处理方法 被引量:2

The method of heat flux calculation base on integral method
摘要 傅立叶定律统计热流时的扰动放大机制和数值计算格式的数值耗散是壁面热流网格依赖性强的主要原因,扰动放大机制同时也是热流收敛速度慢的主要原因。对边界层特征明显的流动的N-S方程数值求解,提出了积分法热流计算方法,热流由傅立叶定律统计的热流项和粘性功两项组成。平板层流、钝锥绕流气动加热算例表明计算结果的网格依赖性明显降低,收敛速度加快,为提高热流计算的可靠性和计算效率提供了一条新的思路。 The wall heat flux various distinctly under different grids due to the magnify mechanism of Fourier law and numerical format dissipation,the difficulty for the convergence of the heat flux is also due to the magnify mechanism.Based on the convergence numerical solution of N-S equation for the flow that has boundary layer near the wall,the integral method of heat flux calculation is brought out in the paper,the heat flux is composed of Fourier heat flux and viscous item.The calculation results indicate that the new method weakens the grids dependence,accelerates the convergence,and improves the reliability and efficiency.
出处 《空气动力学学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2010年第5期591-595,共5页 Acta Aerodynamica Sinica
关键词 气动热 网格依赖性 积分法 aerothermal grids dependence integral method
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