主动队列管理算法是区分服务模型能够实现IP服务质量的重要技术之一。针对区分服务现有主动队列算法中参数设置、时延抖动等不足之处,结合自适应RED算法(Adaptive RED),基于优先级和公平性的PFRIO算法(RIObased onPriority and Fair)和Gentle-RED三种算法的优点,提出了一种适合区分服务模型的自适应多优先级主动队列管理算法(Active Queue Management,AQM)-APRED-G。仿真结果表明,该算法不但保护了高优先级数据分组同时兼顾了低优先级数据分组,而且解决了参数设置敏感和时延稳定问题,也降低了平均分组丢失率。
The active queue management algorithm is one of the important technologies of the DiffServ model which is used to carry out IP QoS.Aimed at the problems of the active queue management in DiffServ such as parameter setting,latency twitter and the like,proposes an adaptive multi-priority active queue management algorithm-APRED-G(Adaptive Multi-priority RED in Gentle model)that is suitable for DiffServ model based on the virtues of ARED,PFRIO and Gentle-RED.The simulation results indicate that this algorithm not only solves the problem of parameter setting and improves the stability of latency while maintaining the good protection of high-priority date packets and low-priority date packets,but also cuts the average packets loss ratio.
Computer Technology and Development