土地勘测定界是为了切实将"保护耕地,合理利用土地"落实到"实地"而进行的一项繁杂的工作。笔者根据多年从事土地测量的经验,通过AutoCAD内置的开发工具VBA(Visual Basic for Application)创建CAD宏,自动进行地块着色、权属注记、面积标注、地块面积按权属汇总和按地类汇总,有效杜绝了人工读写可能带来的错误。
Land boundary survey is very important in carrying out the policy of "arable land protection and rational land use".Based on years of experience,by using VBA(Visual Basic for Application)in land surveying,through AutoCAD software,CAD macros has been established.Thus,automatically block coloring,ownership notes,square notes and block squares are summarized according to ownership and land class.It can effectively eliminate the possiblemanual errors in reading and writing.
Shandong Land and Resources