Objective: To observe the effect of surgical treatment of myasthenia gravis, prevention and treatment of myasthenia gravis crisis point. Methods: February 2000 to February 2010 our department treated 36 cases of patients with myasthenia gravis. 35 cases with sternal median incision, the left anterior lateral incision in 1 case, surgery underwent resection of thymoma or thymus and mediastinal fat tissue fatty tissue dissection. Result: Effective in 33 cases (91.67%), Invalid 3 cases (8.33%). Osserman classification: I type 10 cases, II a type 16 cases, II b type 8, III, IV type 2 cases. Conclusion: Thymectomy for myasthenia gravis reliable efficacy, duration of disease, Osserman classification and pathological thymus of myasthenic crisis occurred in postoperative risk factors, treatment and course of disease, Osserman clinical pattern.