

Application of Non-thermal Sterilization Technology in the Preservation of Meat
摘要 消费者需求高质量、天然、营养、新鲜且方便的肉类制品,也要求肉制品带有天然的风味和较长的货架储存期。要达到这样的要求,辐照、高静水压、天然抗菌物质以及活性包装等得到了深入的研究和发展,本文综述了这几种杀菌保鲜方式在肉制品中的应用。 Consumers demand high quality, natural, nutritious, fresh and convenient meat products, also called meat products with natural flavor and long shelf storage life. To achieve these requirements, irradiation, high hydrostatic pressure, natural anti-bacterial material and active packaging have been emerged and developed. These types of sterilization methods in the preservation of meat products are reviewed in this paper.
作者 韩鹏飞
出处 《肉类研究》 2010年第10期70-74,共5页 Meat Research
关键词 非热杀菌 肉类 应用 non-thermal preser vation technologies meat application
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