针对相控阵雷达多目标跟踪环境,提出了一种基于I MMKF(Interacting Multiple Model Kal man Filter)的自适应波束调度算法。建立了相控阵雷达波束调度的最优化模型,该模型能够利用机动目标跟踪时协方差控制的思想来调度相控阵雷达的工作模式。分别给出了基于协方差偏差均值最小准则和最大协方差偏差最小准则两类自适应波束调度算法。仿真结果验证了算法的有效性。
For multi-target tracking of phased array radars,a adaptive beam scheduling algorithm based on IMMKF is proposed.An optimal beam scheduling model is given which can control radar work mode with covariance matrix of maneuvering targets.Two adaptive scheduling methods,minimal deviation of average covariance and minimal deviation of maximal covariance,are presented.Simulation results show the validity of the proposed methods.
Ship Electronic Engineering