

The Imperfectness of Evolutionism in Scientific Ethics
摘要 进化论在科学伦理学上产生了一些缺憾。一是掩饰真相的缺憾:古生物学家都清楚过渡类型生物化石的缺环,却诱导公众相信化石记录是捍卫进化论的有力证据;本来对达尔文的进化论持有疑虑,但在公众场合却三缄其口;为了掩饰广进化的一系列缺环,要么含糊其辞地介绍,要么隐藏不利的证据,要么提出新的假说来回避矛盾。二是牵强附会的缺憾:知道化石缺环不支持进化论,却用化石记录不完整做挡箭牌;科学本应证实或证伪,进化论者却用辩护代替求证;虽然新达尔文主义者不断提出新主张,但它们或者经不起科学分析,或者与实际情况相悖,或者前后说法相矛盾。三是不容置疑的缺憾:科学主张学术民主和争鸣自由,进化论却不容人们质疑;明明只是进化理论,却把进化说成是事实,不容人们分辨。 Evolutionism has brought some imperfectness in the field of scientific ethics.First,it is suspicious of hiding the truth:All paleontologists,who have a clear mind about the lack of transitional organism fossil,convince the public that the records of fossil are powerful evidence for evolutionism.They doubt of Darwinism but say nothing on pubic occasions.To gloss over the gaps,they make ambiguous remarks,hide negative evidences or raise new hypotheses.Second,Evolutionism gives strain interpretations:Instead of seeking to confirm it,evolutionists always debate on the excuse of incomplete records.Science should be confirmation or falsification,but evolutionists always use defense in stead of confirmation.Neo-Darwinists frequently bring up new ideas,but the ideas cannot stand up to scientific analysis,or depart from the facts,or are self-contradictory.Third,Evolutionism accepts no suspicions.Science advocates academic democracy and freedom,but Evolutionism is above suspicion.Evolutionism,just a theory,is described as a fact.What is worse,some spread Evolutionism relying on the executive authorities,not allowing people to tell.
作者 黎群武
出处 《中国医学伦理学》 2010年第5期47-49,共3页 Chinese Medical Ethics
关键词 进化论 科学伦理学 伦理学缺憾 达尔文主义 生物化石 Evolutionism Scientific Ethics Ethical Imperfectness Darwinism Organism Fossil
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