显微内窥镜椎间盘切除系统( Micro - Endoscopic Discectomy System , M E D) ,是治疗腰椎间盘突出症的最新高技术。22 例患者经该方法治疗、护理观察,认为术前要消除患者的恐惧紧张心理状态;做好术前准备、术前生活护理;指导患者如何配合手术顺利完成非常重要。术后加强切口观察、饮食护理、腰背肌功能锻炼以及出院指导,已取得了理想效果。
Microendoscopic Discectomy is a newest technique for the treatment of lumbar disc herniation.22 cases were treated with MED.We believe it is important to decrease the tension of the patients' mind,make good preoperative management and to teach the patients how to cooperate the surgery.The postoperative nursing includes incision care,diet nursing,and rehabilitation instruction.The results are satisfactory.\;
Journal of Practical Nursing