针对常规型防风网庇护范围有限等缺点,采用导流、整流措施,设计了导流板型防风网。应用CFD模拟软件FLUENT 6.2提供的标准κ-ε模型,以流场数值模拟的方法对导流板型防风网结构及其网后流场进行数值模拟,研究了导流板型防风网对物料堆表面速度、压力和湍流强度变化的影响,并与常规防风网的挡风抑尘作用进行了比较。模拟结果表明:导流板具有导向作用,使渗流风以一定角度上扬,减小了渗流风对防风网后物料堆表面的直接作用,同时延缓了绕流风对料堆顶部的影响;与常规防风网后料堆表面性质相比,导流板型防风网后料堆表面速度较小,压力变化较小,顶部附近湍流强度变化较小;综合分析各因素,导流板型防风网挡风效果明显。
A new form of windbreak was designed which can extend shelter effect and restrain wind-blown dust emission.The distribution of velocity,pressure and turbulent intensity around a stack located behind porous fence were numerically investigated by changing the form of wind fences.The numerical method developed for present work is based on FLUENT 6.2 with the standard κ-ε model.The numerical predictions show that the deflector has a guiding role,which makes the penetrating wind flow up to a certain angle,and then results in reducing the direct effect of the penetrating wind on the stack.Simultaneously,the influence of the rotated wind around the top of the stack generated from the rotated flow.Compared with the conventional windbreak,the windbreak with deflector has good flow characteristics for abating wind erosion with a relatively large reduction in mean velocity,small surface pressure fluctuation and small turbulent intensity fluctuation around the top of the stack.According to the simulation results,windbreak with deflector seems to be more effective.
Journal of Qingdao University of Science and Technology:Natural Science Edition