The Korean TV series Daejanggeum since its debut in 2003 has been tremendously popular in Asian countries as well as other parts in the world.We could view DJG in the light of various Western critical theories;in this article,however,it is analyzed and evaluated in terms of the qing and cai stated in the Chinese classic in literary criticism,Wenxin Diaolong,or,The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons.Confucian ethics,as exemplified by kindness and righteousness,is upheld in WXDL and is adequately manifested in DJG.As a melodrama,it is well structured with a line of characters properly delineated,its heroine embodying all virtues and great beauty.Colorful costume,cooking,herbal medicine,natural landscape,comic figures and,above all,an enduring romance add to its attraction.The application of Oriental critical ideas,as WXDL has provided,is in this article demonstrated fruitful and deserves promotion.
Comparative Literature in China