传统的税务数据综合应用平台采用数据仓库技术,主要解决税务数据的整合和简单的数据分析与利用问题,通常是与各个业务系统相对独立的系统,由于在流程上不能与业务系统实现互通,无法将分析结果实时推送给业务人员以指导业务工作,业务人员也不能方便地从税务数据分析系统中获得分析和预测信息。随着面向服务的体系结构SOA(Service-Oriented Architecture)和主数据管理MDM(Master Data Management)技术的发展,未来包括数据综合应用平台在内的税务应用系统必将是基于SOA和MDM的系统。对基于SOA和MDM的新一代数据综合应用平台系统架构进行研究,为金税工程(三期)数据利用与决策支持系统的开发做有益的探索。
Traditional tax integrated data platform adopts data warehouse technology,its main focus is put on solving problems of tax data integration and simple data analysis and application.Usually it is a relatively stand-alone system with regard to various application systems. Since there is no intercommunication with other application systems in process,it can neither send out real-time analyses results to the tax specialists for instructing their work nor enable them to conveniently obtain analyses and forecast information from tax data analysis system.With the development of Service-Oriented Architecture(SOA) and Master Data Management(MDM) technologies,future tax application information systems including the integrated data application platform have to be constructed based on SOA and MDM systems.In this paper we study the architecture of new generation integrated data platform which is based on SOA and MDM,it would be a useful exploration for the program development of data application and decision support system in third-phase Jinshui Project.
Computer Applications and Software