
基于独立分量分析方法的柴油机噪声分离研究 被引量:2

Study on Noise Separation of Diesel Engines Based on Independent Component Analysis
摘要 介绍了独立分量分析方法的基本原理及其在柴油机噪声分离领域中的应用,分析了处理工程技术问题的FastICA算法。以6106型柴油机为研究对象,按国标要求采用九点法对某个含有预喷射工况的噪声信号进行采集,应用独立分量分析方法对测量信号进行分析。结果表明,相互独立的3个分离分量分属于活塞侧向敲击噪声、预喷射噪声和燃烧噪声。 The basic principle of independent component analysis(ICA) and its application in the noise separation for diesel engines are introduced.The FastICA algorithm,which is widely used for processing engineering problems,is carried out.The noise signal of a 6-cylinder diesel engine under a pilot-injection condition were measured according to the national standard and analyzed by ICA method.It is shown that 3 mutually independent components of noise are originated from piston knocking,pilot-injection and combustion respectively.
出处 《噪声与振动控制》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第5期141-144,共4页 Noise and Vibration Control
关键词 声学 柴油机 独立分量分析 噪声分离 FASTICA acoustics diesel engine independent component analysis noise separation FastICA
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