A rainstorm caused by meso-scale convective system(MCS)in Guizhou Province was simulated with the MM5 model.Based on the good simulated results of the MCS developing and the clouds physics process,by means of reducing the height of Yungui Altiplano and cutting off the middle-east of the Yungui altiplano on the simulated tests,how the ladder terrain on the west of Yungui altiplano impact on the rainstorm of Guizhou was studied.The analysis results showed that the second ladder terrain of Yungui Altiplano only affected the development of convective clouds on its backward position,but hardly affected the rain on its upward.The whole terrain of the Yungui Altiplano had a distinct impact not only on the windward slope rainfall of the west of the altiplano,but also on the rainfall distribution,intensity and continuing time of the convective clouds on the middle-east of the altiplano.
Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences