工资问题是涉及国计民生的重大问题,特别是在我国现阶段不同行业工资差距较大,分配不均衡的情况下,合理制定工资指导线水平基准线,对调节行业和企业员工工资水平、协调工资关系、缓解分配不公可起到积极稳妥的作用。针对江苏省工资基本状况,选取一些具有代表性的指标,应用统计软件Stata/SE 10.1,采用主成分分析法,建立江苏省工资指导线水平基准线的计量经济模型。模型结果表明:GDP增长率、社会劳动生产率增长率与城镇居民消费价格增长率对江苏平均工资具有促进作用,而财政收入增长率对江苏省平均工资起抑制作用,说明江苏省财政收入挤压了老百姓的收入。
Wage issue is one major issue related to the national economy and the peoples livelihood.Since there is a big wage gap between different industries with unbalanced wage distribution especially at the present stage in China,reasonably working out wage guideline standard will play a significant part in adjusting wage standard of industries and workers,improving wage relation and relieving unfair distribution.In order to establish a model of Jiangsu wage guideline standard,this paper first introduces the basic wage situation in Jiangsu,and then chooses some representative indexes,uses Stata/SE 10.1,and PCA and establishes the model of Jiangsu wage guideline standard finally.The result indicates that the growth rates of GDP,labour productivity and consumer price have raised the average wage in Jiangsu,but the growth rate of finance revenue restrains it.This shows that Jiangsu finance revenue squeezes common people's income.
Journal of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology(Social Science Edition)