

The Features of James Joyce's Critical Writings
摘要 所谓"乔伊斯文论",即乔伊斯的文学理论,它散见于乔伊斯的评论文章、日记、笔记、书信、谈话及作品中,有散存性外观、"意图式写作"、感悟式语言、体系性内质四个特点。乔伊斯的"意图式写作"主要体现在他的美学原则和诗学观念对其创作、特别是中后期实验小说写作的渗透,还有一些框架结构、写作意图对文本的掌控作用。在理论上,乔伊斯没有走概念化、模式化道路,他既没有一味地沿用他人的理论,也没有严密地阐明自己的观点,其批评语言是感悟式的,充满了天才艺术家的灵悟发现,不过,他的评论文章虽然有自己的逻辑层次,观点也很分明,但对一些重要理论问题却缺乏充分的学理上的论析、展开,只是点到为止,有些术语缺乏界定,这些都导致了我们理解上的困难,必须联系其文论和创作进行辨析、判断。尽管乔伊斯文论在结构形式、写作策略以及语言表述上有这样一些特点,但内容上却形成了美学思想和诗学思想两大体系。乔伊斯的美学思想是其诗学思想的理论基础和逻辑前提,二者存在着对应关系,乔伊斯前后期美学思想和诗学思想的巨大变化直接导致了其创作转向。本文认为,乔伊斯文论写作形式多样,内容系统、丰富、前沿,奠定了现代主义文学的理论基础并预示了后现代主义文学的发展方向,应该以专章专节形式写进西方文论和批评史著作。 James Joyce's critical writings include his commentary essays,diaries,notes,letters,talks,and relevant episodes in his creative works,which are characterized by the scattering form,intentional writing,perceptual language and systemic nature.Joyce's "intentional writing" is mainly embodied in the influence of his aesthetic principles and his poetic views on his creative writings,especially.on his mid-and-later experimentalist novels.Theoretically,Joyce neither simply followed his predecessors nor expounded his ideas in detail.His critical language is perceptual and full of the artist's epiphanies and findings.However,even though his critical writings are clear in logic and explicit in view,his illustrations of some important theoretical issues are rather limited and some technical terms remain undefined,which may cause trouble in our comprehension.In spite of the above features,these critical writings,in content,have formed Joyce's aesthetic and poetic systems.The two systems correspond with each other,the former being the theoretical foundation and logical prerequisite for the latter.The changes in his aesthetic and poetic views throughout his career directly led to the turn in his creative writing.It is concluded that Joyce's critical writings,diversified in text type and systematic and rich in content,have laid a foundation for modernist literature and forecast the tendency of post-modernist literature,so that they should be taken as a separate chapter to be written into books on Western literary theory and critical history.
作者 杨建
出处 《外国文学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第5期30-38,共9页 Foreign Literature Studies
基金 教育部人文社科规划基金项目"乔伊斯诗学研究"【项目编号:09YJA752008】的阶段性成果
关键词 乔伊斯文论 散存性外观 “意图式写作” 感悟式语言 体系性内质 James Joyce's critical writings scattering form "intentional writing" perceptual language systemic nature
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  • 1Beckett, Samuel, et al. Our Examination Round His Factification for Incamination of Work in Progress. Northampyon :John Dickens & Conner Ltd. , 1962.
  • 2Boheemen-Saaf, Christine van. Joyce, Derrida, Lacan, and the Trauma of History. New York:Cambridge UP, 1999.
  • 3Eco, Umberto. The Aesthetics of Chaosmos : The Middle Ages of James Joyce. Massachusetts : Harvard UP, 1989.
  • 4Joyce,James. "Drama and Life. " The Critical Writings of James Joyce. Ed. Ellsworth Mason and Richard Ell- mann. London : Faber and Faber, 1959.38 - 46.
  • 5Joyce,James.Finnegans Wake. London : Faber and Faber, 1975.
  • 6Joyce,James."James Clarence Mangan. " The Critical Writings of James Joyce. Ed. Ellsworth Mason and Richard Ellmann. London: Faber and Faber, 1959.73 - 83.
  • 7Joyce,James."The Paris Notebook. " The Critical Writings of James Joyce. Ed. Ellsworth Mason and Richard Ellmann. London : Faber and Faber, 1959. 143 - 46.
  • 8Joyce,James."The Pola Notebook. " The Critical Writings of James Joyce. Ed. Ellsworth Mason and Richard Ellmann. London : Faber and Faber, 1959. 146 - 48.
  • 9Joyce,James.Stephen Hero. Ed. Stuart Gilbert. London :Grafton Books, 1977.
  • 10Joyce,James."The Study of Languages. "The Critical Writings of James Joyce. Ed. Ellsworth Mason and Richard Ellmann. London : Faber and Faber, 1959.25 - 30.








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