白内障是眼科失明的主要原因之一,70年代以来眼科显微手术的兴起与发展,使眼科手术趋于更精细,在此同时后房型人工晶体被更多眼科专家使用,从而白内障手术又从新回到囊外摘除术。现将我们73例80眼白内障显微囊外摘除术和后房人工晶体植入报告如下: PC-A861OC型人工晶体来源: PC-A8610C型人工晶体由蚌埠医学院与中科院安光所合作研制而成,该型晶体设计新颖、工艺先进,材料与生产完全国产化。国产聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯(PMMA)经细胞毒性试验、Ames试验、动物实验等。
Seventy-three cases of 80 eyes treated with modern microsurgery
ECCE and PC-A8610C IOL implantation were reported. After 3-24
month clinical follow up, it demonstrated that postoperative compli-
cations were rare recovery sight was favourable (satisfactory) 0.5or
more then 0.5 accounted for over 90.12%. The operation of modern
microsurgery ECCE and posterior chemher IOL implantation and its
complications are discussed.